Passive Components - Electronics Basics #1

hello friends
         welcome back, I am back with a new post. this is a very basic post, in this post i am going to focus on the basic elements of electronics which is passive components
         there are three components which are called as passive components. first, we will see the classification of basic electronic components.

classification of electronic components

    in this post, we will talk about passive components only so let's get started

Passive Components-

         the components which cannot control current by means of another signal are called as passive components there are  three passive components

  1. resistors
  2. capacitors
  3. inductors
let's see this component one by one

         the resistor is an electronic component which is used to oppose current.
    the property of resistor to oppose the flow of current is called as resistance
            symbol of a resistor-
        unit of resistance is ohm.

          resistance flowing through a circuit can be calculated by using Ohm's law, the relation between voltage, current, and resistance is given by

  1. V= Voltage.
  2. I=Current flowing through the circuit.
  3. R=Resistance .
   resistors are further classified into various types, in my future posts, i will write about resistors in detail.

                  the capacitor is one of the most commonly used components in various electronic circuits.
the capacitor is an electronic component having the ability to store the electrical energy and this ability to store a charge. this ability is known as capacitance
 symbol of a capacitor-

       unit of capacitance is farad.
 Capacitors are further classified in various types, in my future posts i will write about Capacitors in detail.

                     An Inductor is nothing but a coil or electromagnetic device which opposes any change in current. unit of inductance is Henry (H).

 symbol of Inductor-
   inductors are further classified in various types, in my future posts i will write about inductors in detail.

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                     stay tuned, i will be back with a new post

Passive Components - Electronics Basics #1  Passive Components - Electronics Basics #1 Reviewed by Majid pathan on November 26, 2017 Rating: 5

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