Arduino Basics

If  You are electronic hobbyists you have must hear about Arduino. if not then this post gonna help you a lot .in this post all your doubts will be cleared, we will see all the basics of Arduino.

Arduino Uno R3

What is Arduino?

         Arduino is an open source hardware programming platform based on the Atmega series of microcontrollers. Arduino consists of both physical hardware which is single board microcontroller development board and a piece of software also known as Arduino IDE. Arduino is available open source for hobbyists, engineers, designers, and everyone interested in creating awesome electronic projects.

Arduino software - 

           for programming Arduino, you need to download the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) where we can write code for Arduino and directly upload it to the board without any additional hardware. Arduino IDE is very Easy To Operate and user-friendly.
 you can download the Arduino IDE fro the official site of Arduino 

Arduino IDE

Arduino Hardware -

             Arduino community had launched a lot of models of single board microcontroller development board called arduino. generally used common Arduino board is Arduino Uno.

        Arduino Provides latest single board microcontrollers with a built-in programmer, you don,t have to connect any programmer. it runs on a DC supply of  5 volts. there are many variants available in the market. arduino comes in different versions. you can get more details of Arduino hardware on the official site

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, this is the basic post, you will get more information about Arduino and its programming in my future posts, thanks for visit, have a good day, see you soon


Arduino Basics Arduino Basics Reviewed by Majid pathan on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5


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    2. thanks technical harshal for your visit
      we appreciate your feedback
      you would get tutorials in my future posts
      stay tuned for more such posts

  2. Is it useful also for designing and/or testing PCB technology?


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